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Music is an important cultural tool that has a unifying power and the ability to induce emotions worldwide. It also has excellent potential for people to bond and communicate. Cross-cultural research has established that basic emotions can be communicated across cultures through music, at least on a rudimentary level of recognition.


To improve the relations between the people of Turkey and Israel, we hope to sing songs and get to know each other again through songs.


Through this project, people can communicate with each other and thus change misconceptions and overcome prejudices.



"When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war."

Where can you find us online?

This project aims to bond nations via its digital campaigns on Instagram, YouTube, Curious Cat, and Spotify. Through this project, people can communicate with each other and thus change misconceptions and overcome prejudices. 


There is a link to our project's songs/playlists published on YouTube and Spotify in the bio. In addition to our playlists, you may also find a Curious Cat link to ask us any question - even the silly ones - anonymously or non-anonymously. We also aim to change the misconceptions by stating prejudices.


We sing together; we bond better!


Through Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom's project titled Influencers for Dialogue, we gathered to create a digital campaign to call for a better dialogue as a group of young Turkish and Israeli people.


After four weeks of learning about Turkish & Israeli history, their relations, and ways of building & managing a social media project, we started to create this Instagram page and the other related platforms.


We hope to touch your heart and have an impact on a better world.

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