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Which themes were chosen for the campaign?


We chose musical themes that are decisive for cultures to know each other. We mean; Weddings are usually the happiest institution in cultures and include glorious moments where people can be happy and have fun, dance and try local delicacies and keep their traditions alive. The peoples of Turkey and Israel have their own weddings, and we can get closer to their feelings by listening to the wedding songs of the two nations we have prepared in their own languages.


In addition, children's songs prepared for children are also a valuable area to observe the approach of societies towards children. In addition, we think that children can safely benefit from the playlists here with family supervision, and parents can be fed from the songs here at the point of parenting institution.


There are melodies, rhythms, and lyrics in Mizrahi Israeli songs that are exactly the same in Arabesque Turkish music, a genre that is generally stereotyped as part of Turkey’s more eastern, country, or folk heritage, suffused with Arabic motifs, minor keys and ululating vocals, string sections, and traditional percussion. “Arabesque is a music that is said to have come into existence in the 1970s. But Arabesque has always been in the Anatolian spirit, and in the Anatolian way of making music. It’s based on traditional songs, folk songs. It’s influenced by Arabic, and Egyptian music, and also consists of influences from all around the world. It’s a good example of fusion or world music,” Binicewicz says.

Below you can find the playlists we have prepared for you. We brought together pieces from Turkey and Israel around 3 main themes.

We wish you pleasant listening.

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